Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Difference Between the Departed and Pride and Prejudice/How I Spent My Spring Break (So Far)

Thank goodness it's Spring Break! Due to the number of unnecessary snow days my school district had, Spring Break has been the first break the students have gotten in a very, very long time. The major pro to Spring Break is that I get to work more so I make more money and I don't have to wake up at an ungodly hour. The con is having to see facebook status updates such as "Laying on the beach..." or "Going to Florida. Be back (insert date here)..." or "Swimming in the ocean..." as I sit at home in front of a computer screen, typing something for my blog. Not that I don't love you guys or anything (not that there's really anyone to love at the moment).

My Spring Break hasn't really consisted of me doing anything. Every plan that I've made has just been on the go. I'm just going with the flow now. I have gone outside quite a few times in the hopes of getting tan so that when everyone else comes back from the beach or whatever other place they went to besides this hell hole, I will be as tan as them and I didn't have to put myself through the harmful UVA rays of the tanning bed or spend a few bucks on a trip to the beach to do it.

I have been living with my grandfather since October in my old house because my parents opened a restaurant in Pennsylvania and that's where they live. My grandfather had to go see a Chinese doctor in New York so I've had the house to myself for Spring Break. It's pretty awesome but I had to wash the dishes, do the laundrey, and cook for the first time since who knows when. But it doesn't matter because I can go wherever I want and do whatever I want since there are no authority figures living at my house. Bahahahahaha!

Then, I was gonna go visit some friends in Northern Kentucky and spend about three days with them. I was pretty excited for that but that got canceled as well for various reasons. I was okay with that because they're gonna come visit me to make up for it. I was stuck with no plans for Spring Break again. Whoop dee doo! But I'm kinda glad that my plans got canceled because I got to promote the local walk that I planned on Monday, go prom dress shopping with my sister on Tuesday, and visit a monastery today. I'm telling you guys now, go look and see if there is a monastery anywhere near you. The monastery was eye opening and amazing. There was a gift shop that sold a book with Gandhi's writing on non violence. Now that was awesome! Who knew a  monastery could be so exciting? I'm telling you to find one now and check it out. And have a picnic while you're at it because that was the best part.

In addition to those various other things I have done over Spring Break, I also watched the Departed about 8 times, had a Bleach party, and watched An Education. Who knew there were so many hours in a day? I had officially decided that The Departed is my new favorite movie, topping my long time favorite Pride and Prejudice. Anyone notice the huge differences between them?  I decided to compile a list of the differences between to further illustrate my eclectic taste in movies.

Pride and Prejudice

The Departed

The Number of times a cuss word was used


A lot


charming piano

a mix of rap, bagpipes, screaming people, etc.


Sophisticated British Accent

Boston Accent


Romance, Slice of Life

Boston Majia Gangs vs Police trying to one up each other


Sweeping landscapes, beautiful architecture and countrysides

Dirty streets of Boston's dangerous neighborhoods as well as shots of upper class living quarters


None except for a shot of British soldiers walking with their guns

Lots and lots of guns and dead people and violence

# people that die


A lot


Female lead

Testerone filled movie with male leads

Well, I think that I've made my point. They are nothing alike but I still love the Departed so very much. It's amazing and I'm probably going to watch it again tonight. Who knows? Maybe I'll memorize it like I memorized Pride and Prejudice. It's sad, I know.

There is still so much more to say! I really need to post more often so then my posts don't end up being pages long and I bore what few readers I have to death. Another one coming soon, probably about my visit to the monastery and An Education. For now, goodbye and goodnight!



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