"It might be cold, it'll probably be uncomfortable, and our feet will certainly get dirty, but by doing so, we’ll help raise awareness of the impact a simple pair of shoes can bring to a child’s life.
One Day Without Shoes is an annual event hosted by TOMS Shoes in which students, friends, parents, strangers, and co-workers host or join barefoot events. Some go barefoot for an hour, some for the whole day, but all become a part of a greater movement toward change.
However, this year on April 8th, we're asking you to join us in a walk to help raise awareness for children and adults in 3rd world countries.
Your involvement will captivate and educate our community and school, as well as impact the lives of children around the world.
Did you know most children in developing countries grow up barefoot? Did you know some children walk barefoot for miles each day, and they can often not attend school without proper footwear? In Ethiopia, approximately 1 million people are suffering from a debilitating disease called podoconiosis, which is 100% preventable with basic hygiene and shoes."
That's the general gist of it. For more information, click here. It will take you to the event information site and also to the actual TOMS sites so that you can also check out the awesome variety of shoes they have. They are a little on the expensive side. One pair usually costs around $40 and they can get a tad expensive but you're essentially buying two shoes if you think about it. Also on the site, you can find if there are any events relating to it in your general area. I know there are around 4 other walks near my town. They're everywhere! Here's one last video for you to check out. Hopefully, you'll go out and try to do your own part in this national event or maybe even organize one in such short notice. It's gonna be awesome! I'll try to get pictures from my event!
On another topic, I watched the entire play Spring Awakening on youtube. Thanks to people who are willing to take a camcorder into theaters and record things illegally so that unfortunate souls such as moi can see them. Thank you truly! You are a lifesaver! I watched it with the original cast with Lea Michelle and Jonathan Groff. At the time that particular show was touring, I wasn't old enough to watch it since I think you have to be 17 to watch it. Don't you think that's stupid? I knew about it when it was on Broadway in 2006 yet I wasn't old enough to watch it even though I wanted to see it. Bleh. Yeah, some of the content was mature but so what? You can watch R-movies when you're younger if there is a parent in the theater with you. Why not plays?
I've got to say that it was pretty awesome. I haven't seen that many plays in my life, but Spring Awakening is great. It's basically about teenagers who are trying to discover what sex is and what it is their bodies are going through, covering such topics as suicide, pregnancy, sex, masturbation, etc and it also explores the influence of adults and the consequences of ignorance. There were some really catchy songs and I proceeded to download the soundtrack after watching it. My favorites are "The Bitch of Living", "The Word of Your Body", "Totally Fucked", "And Then There Were None." "And Then There Were None" was especially wonderful. I love the character Moritz and his voice is fantastic as well. You should definitely check it out on youtube. If I am able to conjure up the money, I might be going to see Wicked in May. The key words are conjure up the money. What can I say? I'm a broke high school student.
That's all I gotta say for now. Go out and support those who don't have shoes! Goodbye and Goodnight.